Deans Academy
The Deans Academy programme, implemented by the International Management Center in cooperation with the Human Resources Office, was addressed primarily to the colleges of deans of faculties at the University of Warsaw.
The main objective of the programme was to integrate the Rector’s Team and the team of Deans to achieve the goals of the University of Warsaw, to create a space for discussion on issues important to the UW and a platform for the exchange of experiences between units, as well as to systematise knowledge and learn about the latest trends, concepts, tools and so-called best practices in the field of management.
The first edition of the Academy targeted at deans was launched in autumn 2020. Its programme covered approximately 100 hours of classes, addressing issues related to strategic management, finance management, process management, and team management. The programme was concluded in June 2021 with a graduation ceremony attended by the UW Rector and other members of the Rector’s Team.
The second edition of the Academy, aimed at vice deans, with a particular focus on vice deans for scientific and financial affairs, as well as directors of doctoral schools, was launched in April 2021. Its programme covered approximately 80 hours of classes, concentrating on finance, science management, and promoting scientific results, including commercialising scientific results. The programme was concluded in May 2022 with a graduation ceremony attended by the UW Rector and other members of the Rector’s Team.
The Programme was financed from resources of the European Social Fund under the Operational Programme Knowledge Education Development in the Integrated Development Programme at the University of Warsaw