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‘Learning University’ competition

Kategoria: Administracja, bibliotekarze i obsługa, konkurs "Uczący się Uniwersytet", Nauczyciele akademiccy, Ogłoszenia, Zarządzenie nr 85 Rektora UW - podnoszenie kwalifikacji zawodowych


In line with the idea of ‘lifelong learning’, the University of Warsaw strives to provide its employees with opportunities to improve their qualifications in the workplace, in areas that are part of the University’s development directions. In response to the growing involvement of employees in professional development, we have developed the ‘Learning University’ competition.


1st edition of the competition is addressed to all persons employed at the University under a contract of employment/appointment – both academic teachers and administration, librarians, IT specialists, technicians and other vocational groups. Detailed conditions of participation are described in the Rules of the 1st edition of the “Learning University” competition.


Participation in the competition is an opportunity for development within the university for both employees, their organisational units and the entire university community.

Benefits for the employee:

  • investment in personal development and expansion of professional opportunities;
  • increased sense of value in the workplace and increased self-confidence;
  • involvement in the development of the University by linking their competencies to the strategic development goals of the University.

Benefits for the organisational unit employing the employee:

  • investment in the development of the organisational unit and team in response to changes in the environment and the demands of the unit’s tasks;
  • provision of professional development opportunities for the employee;
  • to increase the commitment of employees to their work and increase their motivation.


In the 1st edition of the competition, it is possible to apply for co-financing of participation in part-time first-cycle, second-cycle or long-cycle master’s studies or postgraduate studies, (excluding MBA-type studies) conducted at the University of Warsaw.


The amount of co-financing in the competition is 75% of the total cost of participation in the studies.


Applying in a competition requires the involvement of both the employee and the supervisors in the organisational unit where the person performs his/her duties.

Step 1 – filling in the application

The application consists of two parts:

  1. to be completed by the employee, in which, among other information, the employee should:
    • provide details of employment at the UW,
    • provide details of the study programme, including subject, dates of participation, total cost, etc.,
    • justify the need for the study programme in accordance with the objectives stated in the Rules of the 1st edition of the competition,
    • submit the necessary declarations required by the competition;
  2. to be completed by the head of the employee’s organisational unit and possibly by the employee’s immediate superior, in which it should:  
    • provide an opinion on the employee’s participation in the competition in accordance with the objectives stated in the Rules,
    • decide whether the organisational unit’s resources will be used to provide additional funding for study participation,
    • submit the necessary declarations required for the competition.

Step 2 – submission of the application

The application, signed by the employee and by the head of his/her organisational unit, must be sent as a scan in .PDF format to bsp.szkolenia[at]uw.edu.pl by 12:00 AM on 16th July 2023.

Step 3 – evaluation of the application

Applications will be evaluated by a selection committee. The evaluation of the application consists of a formal part and a substantive part. Applications containing obvious formal errors and mistakes may be corrected in accordance with the information contained in the Rules of the 1st edition of the competition.

The committee creates a ranking list on the basis of which applications are co-financed until the funds are exhausted. Funding is only available if an employee’s application receives at least 60% of the points in the substantive assessment. Applications that obtain this minimum number of points, but are not funded due to the exhaustion of funds in the competition, form a reserve list.

Step 4 – results and signing of the agreement

If the employee is awarded funding in the Competition, he/she will receive a Referral to participate in the Development Activity. Information on the outcome of the Competition will also be published on https://inicjatywadoskonalosci.uw.edu.pl/ and https://rekrutacja-i-rozwoj.bsp.uw.edu.pl/.

No later than 15 working days before the start of the studies specified in the Application, the employee should send a scan of the decision on enrolment to bsp.szkolenia[at]uw.edu.pl.

On the basis of the Application, the Referral and the decision, a contract for the improvement of professional qualifications is concluded between the employee and the University.

For more information on signing agreements, please see the LINK.

Step 5 – study and graduation

During the course of study, the employee is entitled to leave from all or part of the working day for the time necessary to arrive punctually for compulsory classes and for the duration of the classes. In addition, in the case of Bachelor’s and Master’s degree programmes, an employee is entitled to study leave of 6 to 21 days in the final year of study to prepare for the thesis and to prepare for and take the diploma examination.

The employee shall provide the Office of Staff Affairs with a copy of his/her diploma or other document confirming the completion of his/her studies within 14 days of the date of their completion or receipt of the diploma/other document.


The rules of the 1st edition of the “Learning University” competition, the application form, the referral and the template of the improvement of  professional qualification agreement can be found at the LINK (access after logging in with your CAS account).


If you have any further questions, please contact the coordinator at bsp.szkolenia[at]uw.edu.pl.

Your questions and their answers will be posted in the form of FAQs under LINK (access after logging in with your CAS account).